Millie’s state in the photo above pretty much sums up life lately. Has anyone else felt like January was the longest month in the history of months? Between trying to get back into a routine after the holidays, being sick for most of the month (what is in the air this year?!), and making a trip to Alabama, this month has been pretty exhausting.
Chad and I both were sick for a solid 10 days out of this month. And if we are being honest, neither of us have quite returned to 100% after trying tirelessly to fight off whatever it is that insists on making a majority of the population feel like crap this season. We went through three boxes of tissues in the span of a few days, drank Emergen-c like it was a life changing serum, and tried every over the counter congestion medicine in existence. Needless to say, when they tell you “the virus just needs to run its’ course,” they mean it. We are finally feeling a little bit normal again, and hope that spring is just around the corner!

In the midst of that 10 day span, we had to make a road trip to Mobile, Alabama for some football activities. Chad had to be there for some kicking, so we made the 10 hour drive down south. We had never been to Mobile before, and although we didn’t get to see much of the town, we did enjoy some sunshine and the endless Family Feud marathon on cable. We ordered room service three nights in a row, but we did manage to eat one lunch out in the downtown area!
Last weekend was our first weekend of the month with no plans, and it just so happened that the weather was beautiful. A solid 60 degrees while the sun was actually shining! We decided there was no better way to spend our afternoon than to bust out our new Multimok hammock (follow that link for 10% off!) for the first time! We could have stayed lounging in that hammock for days! As much as we love to travel, sometimes nothing beats a weekend at home, getting a little rest and down time.
So, here’s to hoping for a February with more sunshine, less tissues, and really good food! Who’s going to be watching the Super Bowl this weekend? I might have to whip up some nachos to snack on during the big game!
I always get sick during the first quarter of the year too. What a weird coincidence. I hope you guys are feeling so much better now. And Millie is too adorable!
January and the winter blues gets to everyone. It’s great you decided to shake it up a little and go on an adventure!