Full time RV living is one of the most life changing experiences we’ve had. Going from a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment to an all one room RV has been both challenging and rewarding. It has definitely taken an adjustment period, but there are way more pros than cons now that we have settled in!
So, if you’re considering living in an RV full time, here are our Top 5 Reasons to Live in an RV Full Time:
- Mobility: I have always been a fan of change. I require a change of scenery pretty often otherwise I get antsy and restless. In the RV lifestyle, the beauty is that we can change our scenery whenever we want to! And we can do so without having to leave home. One week we can be by the lake and the next week we can be in a city. We could go somewhere different every weekend if we wanted to, and it doesn’t require the hassle of packing a suitcase! It’s a pretty amazing thing!
- Minimalism: When you live in a tiny space, you are forced to consolidate and purge everything you own so that it fits in your tiny home. This may stress some people out, but it gave me so much joy! It’s so nice to be reminded how little you need to actually be happy. You really end up with only the things you need and the process of purging is so therapeutic. Piece of advice: if you think twice about whether you should keep it or get rid of it, get rid of it! Only keep the things you are 100% confident brings you joy!
- Experiences: When your home is mobile and you can travel wherever, whenever, the experiences you have are greater than anything you could ever imagine. We have seen 15 states in the last few months, and that’s something we wouldn’t have been able to do if we still had our permanent address. Don’t get me wrong. the amazing experiences like hiking with mountain goats in the snow or climbing to the highest view point at Crater Lake, also come with some less exciting experiences that we wouldn’t have if we didn’t live in an RV. But, I can honestly say, every annoying, disheartening and frustrating thing that comes with this lifestyle is SO worth all of the rewarding, life changing and eye opening experiences.
- Freedom: Freedom from a lot of the things that tend to hold us all back. Freedom from a routine that can often serve as an excuse to pass up on life (I’m guilty). Freedom from being tied to one location. Freedom from expectations and reliance on things! There really is just so much physical and mental freedom in living in an RV. I mean it’s not called a MOBILE home for nothing!
- Home: I’ve never felt more at home than I do in our Airstream. We worked so hard to make this space cozy and ours. And it paid off. No apartment has ever felt so much like ours. No space we’ve ever called home has actually lived up to that word like this home does. When you have such a small place to work with, you only fill it with things you love, and when you’re surrounded only by the things you love, it feels good. Space and things don’t create a home, the environment and love present in a space MAKE a home!
There are so many reasons to choose the full time RV life, but those are my top 5. It has been such a life changing experience, for the better. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve felt this much joy in my adult life. Obviously this lifestyle isn’t forever, but I am going to soak in every moment of it while it’s now.
Would you ever live in an RV? What questions do you have about full time RV living?