You would think that living in an Airstream would mean that we would drive south for winter, but Chad and I are winter lovers. We love the cold. We hope for the snow. We thrive in the fresh crisp air. That being said, basically living in the outdoors in an aluminum box in the winter has its challenges. So over the last month of cold weather, we’ve figured out the necessities for surviving winter in an RV!
95% of those necessities involve Dr. Bronner’s products. If you’ve never heard of Dr. Bronner’s, I’m glad you’re reading this post because you absolutely need to know about this brand. Their chapstick has saved us during all 20,000+ miles we’ve driven this year, because we all know that your lips get SO chapped when the AC is blasting on your face 24/7. But, their chapstick isn’t the only amazing winter survival product they have. Below are our top 3 Dr. Bronner’s must haves for winter:
Hydrated lips: Check! Hydrated hands: check! Hydrated skin: check!
Living in a tiny home can sometimes seem like you have to give up the comforts of living any other way, but that’s not true! You can still use all of the same self care products, take care of yourself just as much, and commit to your health and wellness just as if you lived in a big house. We have found this to be even more important in winter. Making sure to have a set skin care routine, with products both Chad and I can use (space saving), has been a huge necessity for us and Dr. Bronner’s has provided us with that solution!

Other necessities include ways to stay warm! Obviously. We have a stash of super cozy blankets, all from Home Goods (they have the best throw blankets for the best price). Each pet has their own claimed blanket and Chad and I each have our own as well. Not only are they functional, but something about blankets just make moments and spaces so much cozier! One tip would be to get a throw fleece blanket the size of whatever bed you have. It really helps to have a fleece blanket that covers the full bed for an extra full layer of warmth!

And, last but ABSOLUTELY not least, is a space heater. This has been a game changer for us in the Airstream. It has warmed us up in temperatures in the teens, kept our pets cozy, and given us really great peace of mind to not have to use our propane furnace or worry about electrical space heaters. Ours is the Pelonis Ceramic Portable Space Heater, which is a ceramic space heater with an automatic shut off to prevent overheating or electrical fires (and it’s only $27 on Amazon!). We have had several fellow RVers tell us to keep an eye on overheating of the outlets, and knock on wood, but this space heater has used a low level of power and still produces amazing heat! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

So, for any fellow RVers who are living in a cold location, hopefully some of these tips and products help! We are loving this season of RV living, and that’s all with a little help from some winter necessities! We would love to know the ways in which you stay warm during the winter, so comment below!
This isn’t awesome guys! Always wondered how you survive in the winter haha pictures look so cosy too!
Thanks so much guys! It’s definitely taken a little bit to get used to it, but I think we have the hang of it finally! Coziness is key!
Winter RVing is a majestic, yet challenging, experience. If you want to stay warm in an RV during winter, it takes a lot of careful planning and work. Thank you for sharing great tips.
Some great tips in there guys. The Pelonis Space Heater looks perfect for the winter! We will definitely think about investing in one of these. Just bookmarked this page thanks!